Saturday, September 29, 2012

OOTD for Saturday

Hi Everyone! This took me like forever to make,
I hope you all enjoy!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Evil Pumpkin Nails- My Tryout

This is my video of me trying out the Evil Pumpkin Nails.

Evil Pumpkin Nails

Here are some adorable nails for harvest or halloween time.
I am going to try them out and put a video up of it, but for now enjoy this one.

You may want to consider watching the video that follows first.
Please ignore how she makes fun of other's blogs and videos.

OOTD for Mall

Thursday, September 27, 2012

New Camera and Updates

I have some new colors for fall like this one, I really enjoy  
doing different colors for each season so, I might do all the oranges. Like this one, and this one 
are some awesome colors for fall/halloween, and maybe this yellow, or some other colors
I find fallish. But the main color will be this one.

In case YOU have been wondering why I haven't been putting 
up as much stuff that I usually do; that's because my school,has started and it's an 
accelerated school so we have lots of homework.

Also the wedding series and the back to school series and any others 
I might have started are over.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My New Comforter

Hi Everyone!
I got a new comforter
dedicated to Taylor
Swift's new album called
please look up her album
 and check it out!!

Sorry this one is side ways.