Thursday, October 25, 2012

Outfits of the Week, Falling for Fall!

Hey Guys!
For part of my Falling for Fall series there
is going to be this thing called OOTW's. (aka Outfits of the Week)
This is my first one, hope you all enjoy!
I may even put it on youtube; depending 
on what you guys think of it so let me know! ;) :)


Like I said, there will be links so...

P.S. If you guys say I should put it on youtube there will be a link for that when it's up too!

Sorry I forgot to put what music I used up so,

Lights by Ellie Gouldbourg
Headphones by Britt Nicole
Cinema by Benny Benassi


  1. Cool! I totes think you should put on youtube! I think also when you have the music playing for each day, you should keep it playing while you are describing you outfit.

  2. Your blog is so cute! I love the post. I will definitely be back for more! I hope you'll check out my blog.

    Here's my link if you wanted to check mine out!

    P.S. I love how you designed your blog for fall <3
